Fed 會議紀要釋出鴿派訊號,台股今 (24) 日多頭信心大振,由聯發科領軍 IC 設計股放量大漲,航運股同步吸引資金進駐,加權指數終場上漲 175 點,收在 14784 點全場最高,續創逾 2 個月新高,三大法人合計買超 243.69 億元,外資連 3 買。
台股成交值放大至 2172 億元,觀察法人資金動向,外資加碼買超 233.09 億元,為連 3 買;投信同步買超 14.37 億元;自營商賣超 3.94 億元,為連續第 5 天調節。三大法人合計買超 243.69 億元。
權王台積電今天一路在盤上表現,終場漲 0.8%,收在 496 元;台達電、大立光、廣達等電子股也獲資金點火;台塑四寶全面走高,其中以台塑化大漲 2.77% 最強。
貨櫃三雄今天漲勢逐漸放大,萬海大漲逾半根停板,長榮、陽明上漲 3-4%;金融股漲跌互見,開發金重挫逾 4%,富邦金、兆豐金、華南金則上漲逾 1%。
IC 設計族群今天成為多頭指標,聯發科擺脫盤整格局,一度大漲超過 4%,終場收在 728 元,收復 5、10 日線;瑞昱震盪走高,強漲近半根停板,收 343 元,站穩半年線之上,創波段新高。
923MHz 3dBi Omnidirectional Outdoor Antenna (AS923)
A Lora OA-923M03-NF antenna works at frequencies ranging from 917MHz to 928MHz and also has a 3dbi gain.
As among applications are ISM, WLAN, RFID, SigFox, Lora, and LPWA networks, as well as helium hotspot - one of the projects that have grown quickly in recent years. In Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia, the name AS923 is well-known. The antenna is lightweight and made in a straight line with a length of 318mm.
The antenna's UV resistance allows it to function in a hostile environment. Using the built-in metal bracket, the antenna can be fixed straight to a pole or wall. An N-Type Female connector is a standard of the industry.
- 917MHz to 928MHz Band
- Omni Directional Multipoint applications
- Point to Point Bridge / MMDS / Hotspot
- Public Wireless
- Wireless Video Systems
- Superior Performance
- Good appearance design
- DC Short lightning protection
- Behind and support is made of aluminum
- Outdoor antenna for public
- RoHS Compliant
M31 明年展望審慎樂觀,獲日系外資調升目標價,今天股價直奔漲停 520 元,創 1 年 7 個月以來新高,創意、力旺、晶心科、智原、世芯 - KY 等相關 IP 概念股,漲勢也相當強勁。
•台股挺進14600點 外資續回補 三大法人買超20.91億元
•〈焦點股〉M31展望正向強攻漲停 矽智財概念股歡呼
•聯發科領軍IC設計股衝鋒 台股放量大漲175點收14784點
以下內文出自: https://tw.stock.yahoo.com/news/%E5%8F%B0%E8%82%A1%E5%89%B5%E9%80%BE2%E5%80%8B%E6%9C%88%E6%96%B0%E9%FT-RF