全美獨立企業聯盟(NFIB)11日公布美國9月小型企業樂觀指數,從8月的91.8點上升至92.1點,連續三個月上升並高於市場預估的91.8點,但NFIB首席經濟師Bill Dunkelberg指高通膨和勞工短缺,仍然是小企業主面對最嚴峻的挑戰。
台海還沒打 半導體大廠先跑 美媒:晶片15強B計畫曝光
923MHz 3dBi Omnidirectional Outdoor Antenna (AS923)
A Lora OA-923M03-NF antenna works at frequencies ranging from 917MHz to 928MHz and also has a 3dbi gain.
As among applications are ISM, WLAN, RFID, SigFox, Lora, and LPWA networks, as well as helium hotspot - one of the projects that have grown quickly in recent years. In Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia, the name AS923 is well-known. The antenna is lightweight and made in a straight line with a length of 318mm.
The antenna's UV resistance allows it to function in a hostile environment. Using the built-in metal bracket, the antenna can be fixed straight to a pole or wall. An N-Type Female connector is a standard of the industry.
- 917MHz to 928MHz Band
- Omni Directional Multipoint applications
- Point to Point Bridge / MMDS / Hotspot
- Public Wireless
- Wireless Video Systems
- Superior Performance
- Good appearance design
- DC Short lightning protection
- Behind and support is made of aluminum
- Outdoor antenna for public
- RoHS Compliant
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